CASA SHaW seeks new Board of Trustee members

Court Appointed Special Advocates of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties (CASA SHaW) has announced that the nonprofit, which is dedicated to foster children in our region, is seeking applications from individuals in our community to serve on the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees.

“We not only have a wonderful and diverse Board of Trustees, but board members that have come from all backgrounds and walks of life,” said Tracey Heisler, Executive Director of CASA SHaW. “Our goal is to bring new board members into our organization that can not only lend their expertise, but also their life experiences to help us progress in the future for the foster youth we serve,” Heisler said.

Specifically, CASA SHaW is seeking new Board members who have backgrounds in law, finance and fundraising.  Indivudals in our community who are interested in applying to become a member of the CASA SHaW Board of Trustees should send their resumes and credentials to CASA SHaW at

“It takes a village to help children in our community who have been abused and neglected.  We want to expand our village to ensure that all children we advocate for are represented through our leadership at CASA,” Heisler said.


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