CASA SHaW provides online family resources
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties (CASA SHaW) has announced an online resource for families through their CASA SHaW Family Video Series. The video series is housed on their YouTube channel and provides an array of presentations for resource and biological parents to utilize as they navigate the world of parenting and child development.
“We want to make sure that all families have access to educational resources to learn about their children in a fast paced and changing world. Caretakers do not always have the time to sit through an hour or two-hour webinar to learn about different issues facing children and youth. What is great about our family video series is that they are short videos that aim to inform individuals about issues surrounding the world of parenting,” said Tracey Heisler, Executive Director of CASA SHaW.
Thanks to a grant provided to CASA SHaW by the Lowell Johnson Foundation, the staff at CASA have been busy over the past 9 months producing the “TED Talks-type” videos for the community at large. Family series videos that have been uploaded include:
· Positive Childhood Experiences
· Infant Brain Development
· Caring For Textured Hair
· Educational Advocacy
· Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
· Advocating For a Child with Disabilities
· Domestic Abuse
· Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth
Future videos will be forthcoming as CASA continues to dive into other subject matters pertaining to foster care in the future. The videos can be accessed at